if I were you I would spend some time just for myself. Just focus on who you are and what you want to be or just spend some you time alone, no distractions, do what makes you happy, like when I get this way I listen to my favorite music artist. If you spend time focusing on your self you will slowly decompress. Another way to get rid of stress is to take breaks in between each homework assignment or class (if your a virtual learner). Go to your "happy place" whether its a place outside or your room. Take things one step at a time. If that doesn't work try talk to someone you trust, maybe its a parent you have a good relationship with, yell about your problems, cry, and scream (warn them about the yelling before hand) or buy a pillow for destruction, like you scream into it or hit it. I really hope this helps (sorry about the bf thing, be happy and find the light at the end of that dark road)
Phone- Gives the connection to society and their friends. Allows them to post, share and do online activity.
Car- Gives them freedom and allows them to go places. Let’s them go wherever they please including away from people they might not like.
Bed- Lets them sleep and is very comfortable. Sleep feels good to the body.
Wallet- Holds their money. Their wallet allows them to boy items they want and need
Credit Card- Thy can buy whatever they please
When you combine flour with liquid and stir or knead, the proteins in the flour form gluten. The gluten in the flour develops and becomes strong and elastic, forming a network of tiny air cells.
As it developed, humanistic psychology focused on each individual's potential and stressed the importance of growth and self-actualization. The fundamental belief of humanistic psychology is that people are innately good and that mental and social problems result from deviations from this natural tendency.
Fill half the plate with fruits and vegetables because if you see the food plate you can see half plate of fruits and vegetables