Are you supposed to estimate or get an exact answer? If you're estimating you can see if the number is close to any perfect squares. In this case 63 is very close to 64, and 48 is very close to 49. The answers can then be estimated to be approximately 8 and 7, respectively.

We know that the Angle subtended by an arc on centre of the circle is double as that of Angle subtended by the same arc on the circumference (boundary) of the circle
it would be 100
Step-by-step explanation:
if 1=50 and you have 2 then multiple 50 by 2 and that gives you 100
Step-by-step explanation:
C is the right answer that you're looking for because the hundredth value in this number is 3 in 345 and the closest hundredth there is 300 so the number closest to hundredths is 2,684,300