umm I stole from my cousin her lip-gloss( I was 7 ad she was 4)
first site: medlineplus
MedlinePlus is an online information service produced by the United States National Library of Medicine.
its domain is .gov
the site is promising to give you health information
it claims to have easy to read health info, its organized, has the info in different languages.
MEDLINEplus made its official debut on October 22, 1998, in conjunction with NLM's consumer health pilot project with public libraries. The pilot project was NLM's first major initiative to increase the public's awareness of and access to health information on the Internet. Fully reviewed at least every 3 years. Content is also updated as needed between review cycles. A "page last reviewed" date is available at the bottom of each medical test page. This date indicates when all of the information on the page was reviewed and updated.
the site exists to help people with questions with there health
it doesn't sell anything
MedlinePlus is the website of the National Institute of Health (NIH) for patients, family members, and the general public. It provides free, very reliable, and up-to-date information, videos, and illustrations, as well as links to the latest medical research and clinical drug trials.
<span>The answer is (D) none of the above. All of the statements are true. You need to continue to stretch through the game as any period of inactivity will result in your muscles getting tight. You also have a build up of lactic acid in your muscles that stretching will help reduce. Stretching before any physical activity does get blood moving through your muscles more. Finally, joints can be warmed up through stretching.</span>