pH scale ranges from 0-14. 0-7 being the acidic range with 0 being the most acidic, 7 -14 is the basic range with 14 being the most basic.
These are sources of very good cavier. The beluga is actually a whale, while the osetra is a sturgeon. The sevruga is also a sturgeon.
X - linked traits appear more often in males because males only have one x chromosome. One copy of an x - linked trait is all that a male would need to possess that trait. Females have two x chromosomes, so they would require 2 copies of the x - linked trait in order to possess it.
What percent of potassium-40 remains undecayed in a rock that is 3.9 billion years old? The 3.9 billion year old rock has undergone three half-lives (3.9 divided by 1.3 = 3). After 3 half-lives, 12.5% of the potassium-40 remains undecayed.
C. a Y chromosome from his father
This is because boys have one X and one Y chromosome, while girls have 2 X's, so the Y must come from the father.
Hope this helps :D