A kind of trigger that is an effect which reminds a person of their habits and increases their desire for a substance is called:
D. External trigger
People, activities, places, and objects that elicit thoughts or cravings associated with substance use are examples of the external trigger.
In Stranger Things 4, what I think is going to happen? Well, I think Season 4 is likely to concentrate on Eleven and how, or whether, she ever gets back her abilities. El loses her abilities at the end of season 3, after the fight at the mall, and she can no longer shift objects with her mind, or find people in the void.
No. There may be a relationship between height and playing basketball, but that does not mean that one causes the other.
Although tall athletes find it easy to play basketball, basketball does not influence human height. What determines height are genetic factors and what influences height are nutritional factors.
It's no secret that if a person's father and mother are tall, they will probably be tall too. But full understanding of the genetics that define one's height has been a big challenge for scientists. Genetics are estimated to correspond to 80% of the definition of whether a person will be tall or short. Nutrition and other environmental factors account for the remaining 20%. Humans have become taller in recent generations because of external factors like improved nutrition.