<span>1.keeps tooth alive
2.surface of teeth
3.tube carrying food to stomach
4.last major organ in digestive system
large intestine
5.digestive organ located above waist, close to ribs
6.first stage of digestion takes place here
7.regular squeezing movements
8.blood vessel leading from heart
9. windpipe
Yes, it is.
Penguins are a species of seabird that lives in the southern hemisphere, in areas close to Antarctica, characterized by its cold and wide expanses of sea without land. In this context, penguins are capable of living in these temperatures and feeding on fish and other marine elements. In addition, they are unable to fly, but not so to move through the sea using their wings for it.
"Water quality" may include the amounts of dissolved oxygen
and the levels of algal growth, pollutants which may be present and the pH level. Water quality effects also which types of organisms can
survive in a body of water.
Shellfish require a high level
of dissolved oxygen and their abundance is an indication of good water quality. Shellfish are sensitive to changes in the ecosystem and they cannot easily escape changes in the water quality. These are one of the reasons why shellfish are good indicators of water quality.
In general, soil contains 40-45% inorganic matter, 5% organic matter, 25% water, and 25% air. In order to sustain plant life, the proper mix of air, water, minerals, and organic material is required. Humus, the organic material in soil, is composed of microorganisms (dead and alive) and decaying plants.
The atomic number is 49.
The atomic number is the same as the number of protons. So if there are 49 protons, then the atomic number of element A is 49.