The tumor suppressors allele is analogous to the brake pedal in a vehicle while cyclins are like the gas pedal. The tumor supressors regulate, negatively, the replication of cells. If the tumor supressor is mutated, this is analogous to the brake pedals of the vehicle being broken, This means that if two are broken, then the vehicle will be unable to stop and will continue moving. This same way, if tumor suppressors are mutated, the replication of cells will continue unregulated and casue a tumor.
Simple diffusion is when the particles travel through the cell and facilitated diffusion is when the molecules travel through the cell.
Because salt is soluble in water, salt applied to such surfaces dissolves. Liquid water has what is known as a high dielectric constant, which allows the ions in the salt (positively charged sodium and negatively charged chlorine) to separate.
<span>The anterior end of an earthworm contains an organ that detects smells. Evidence of this is the way the earthworms responded to the ammonia. The earthworms backed away from the ammonia when it was waved near their anterior end, but they did not respond at all when the ammonia was waved near their posterior end.</span>