The rhyme scheme and stanza pattern of "A Musical Instrument" mimics the appearance of a pan flute.
The rhyme scheme is ABACCB, and each stanza is made up of six lines. Each stanza is very similar to the shape of a pan flute, which is a group of pipes (or reeds) of increasing length. Thus, the rhyme scheme and stanza pattern make the poem into a pan flute.
It could also be said that each stanza is very similar to the flow of a river, as there is a constant flow throughout the poem. Pan makes his instrument from the reeds by the river.
1) Could
2) Couldn’t
3) Can
4) Can
6) Couldn’t
7) Could
8) Can’t
9) Couldn’t
The instructions are clear. Write a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. If the teacher hasn't provided any story ideas, then make one up or write one based on your experiences.