Option C -Operating Cash Flow = Current Liabilities / Operating Cash Flow s not a correct way of calculating a liquidity ratio.
Liquidity ratios are a measure of a company's ability to settle its short-term payments. A company has the ability to quickly exchange its revenues and is using them to pay his obligations is dictated by its liquidity ratios. The potential to pay back debts and keep engaged on installments is simpler the better the ratio. Since this can vary by industry, and current ratio of 1.0 usually signals that a group's debt do not exceeding its liquid assets. In enterprises in which there is a quicker product changeover and/or shorter payment cycles, ratings below 1.0 may be acceptable.
Absolute liquidity ratio =(Cash + Marketable Securities)÷ Current Liability.
Learn more about Liquidity ratios here:
a. Check to utility company for $87.26.
d. The three open invoices issued to the hair stylist.
e. Check to the telephone company for $54.19
Telephone expense, Utility expense and Rent Invoices issued to barbers require a new journal entry.
An expense is an item that generally requires an outflow of money or some form of property to another person or group in payment for an item, service, or other category of expense. For tenants, rent is an expense. For students and parents, teaching is a cost.
Expenses are money that costs or must be spent to do something. Most of the marble was imported from Italy at great expense. Vacations with dogs can often come at an additional cost. It wasn't a lot of money, but it helped me pay my bills.
Learn more about expense here
Number of completed barrels = 216 + (244-216)*60%
= 233 barrels
Cost per barrel = (3245+3230)/233 = 27.8
Cost of oil shipped in pipeline = 216 * 27.8= 6003 millions
Cost of work in process ending inventory = (244-216)*60% * 27.8
= 467.04 million