The trachea, spiracle, and air sac are part of their respiratory system, Howeber, the tubules are what take away the carbon dioxide from their system. Im not sure if they produce the carbon dioixde. But they are a part of what removes the carbon-dioxide from their body.
I think the answer is naturally acquired active immunity..also depends on which disease
The transfer of energy through empty space is called convection.
One of the fundamental laws of the universe is the conservation of energy. Energy can't be created and it can't be destroyed. Convection can be the process by which heat is transferred . Temperature is known as the basic principle of heat transfer. The amount that how much of thermal energy can be available is determined by the temperature, and the heat flow represents movement of thermal energy.
The area residing in the center explains the bilatial tibulti, which precedents the bratuluti tubilitu. As for the rack itself, it has a half-moon (in laymens terms) axial, which appendages smoothly in all transition. The answer would certainty relate less to moving and a part itself, and more towards coordination or other terms (for which there are many), as this question is quite subjective.
In short, it has nearly free half-moon movement, though blocked in transition by its own quartsor axial.