Dear mayor, it has come to my attention and the attention of many others that Central Park has an undeveloped city block. We as the people of New York think it would be good to convert it into a city park. We have already gotten people to sign a petition on switching it over to become a park. We understand if it is not in the budget, but we have all come together and decided to chip in or do a little fundraiser if that seems fit. Please consider turning it into a park for the better of the community. Your friends - the citizens of New York City
Secret Police and The military.
Explanation: Think of the gestapo, the SS (Hitlers guards)
Secret service wont work as that is a democratic agency of the POTUS.
Gov officials aid the dictator in rule or get thrown in prison/executed.
Yes, this is true!
Nuclean plants need to be kept at a relatively low temperature, which means that they need a lot of cooling. The most widely used cooling technique is water circulation (similar to central heating system) and this is why a lot of water is used.