1/4 as a decimal is 0.25 (divide one by four). You can also multiply 1/4 by 52, but converting it into a decimal is typically easier.
"Of" typically means multiply, so multiply 52 * 0.25 to get the product 13.
For Option A., solve for 0.25 * 52, the final result should be 13.
For Option B., convert 4% into a decimal by dividing 4 over 100, you will get 0<span>.04, multiply 0.04 * 52 to get 2.08. </span> For Option C., divide 52 by 4, the quotient should be 13.
For Option D., 52 over 4 is another way to write 52 divided by 4, therefore, the answer, once again, is 13.
When comparing all the answers, you will notice all the answers are equal, except option B.
Answer: Your answer is 0 (F.O.I.L) first. outer. inner. last. Or you could use what my teacher calls the magic box
Step-by-step explanation:
So for the boxes you multiply for example the top left box you multiply the 9 above it and the 9 to the left or like the top right box you multiply the -9 above it and the 9 on the outside of the box to the left