Calculations go from year 1 to year 6, screen isn't big enough to show all calculations.
present worth is $76273.60
Negative NPV.
present value of cost exceeds present value of revenue that is been assumed in the investment plan of the said company/firm.
Net Present Value describes one of the discounted techniques of cash flow used in capital budget to determining the viability of a project or an investment. It is seen to have a huge difference between the present flow of the firms; which is cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time. Experts has tagged its primary advantage to be that it is seen to considers the concept of the time value of money.
Fiscal policy is an important policy tool which is used by the government to account for revenue and expenses. During a boom stage, when the economy is improving the government implements more taxes. Similarly, in a recession period, where economic growth is negative an expansionary discretionary fiscal policy is applied. In this type of fiscal policy, taxes and government expenses both are concentrated to remove the pressure.
In a scenario such as this one, the broker-dealer is not required to disclose whether any guarantee of growth was made by the representative to induce the giving of the testimonial. This is backed by the FINRA rule on testimonials used in communications which states the following:
“Retail communications or correspondence providing any testimonial concerning the investment advice or investment performance of a member or its products must prominently disclose the following:
- The fact that the testimonial may not be representative of the experience of other customers.
- The fact that the testimonial is no guarantee of future performance or success.
- If more than $100 in value is paid for the testimonial, the fact that it is a paid testimonial.”
Answer: C.) Horizontal sum of all the individual firm's supply curve
Explanation: A perfectly competitive market, is that in which sellers or suppliers of a certain product are numerous such that a slight increase in price, and demand could fall to 0. Here, an individual seller has no control over the price of commodities. The supply curve tells how much quantity will be produced at different prices. Therefore the market supply curve is determined by all individual sellers individual price in other to determine the overall quantity to be produced at varying market price. Prices are drawn horizontally from the y-axis to determine quantity produced at different prices for each indivudual seller which is summed to generate the market supply curve.