How to solve:
Write all numerators above the least common denominator which is 24 in this case.
Subtract the numbers
Alternate form: 0.458333
The final, simplified, fraction answer is:
do you need to include the wiggle infront of the first bracket? if not;
(x+1) ÷ [(x^2+2) x (2x-3dx)]
x^2 x 2x = 2x^3
x^2 x -3dx = -3dx^3
2 x 2x = 4x
2 x -3dx = - 6dx
i cant find a way to make it equal 0 so i think the answer is just
x+1 over 2x^3 - 3dx^3 + 4x - 6dx as a fraction
12 girls out of 19, how many out of 76
12 - x
19 - 76
Cross product:
19x= 1152
/19. /19
x= ~61
There are (around) 61 girls
Just find out 5% of 59.95, then just add that to 59.95. 2.99 is 5% of 59.95, 2.99+59.95=62.94
This should help-
Triangle Total angle measures = 180
Right angle= 90
Line = 180