It has blue color stripe.
A mooring buoy is a thing which floats on the surface of the water and is anchored to the bottom to which you can tie up your boat. They are used for securing boats without an anchor. A permanent mooring system when properly designed should securely position a boat so that it can be left unattended, with little attention for a long periods of time.
insecure attachment.
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that as a consequence, her daughter is most likely to display signs of insecure attachment. This refers to a type of relationship in which the child's bond with the parent is shrouded by fear, usually caused when the parent rejects the child from an early stage in childhood. Which is exactly what Marissa is doing to her child.
All of the are associate Justices of Supreme court. David Hackett Souter was associate justice of supreme court from October 1990 until 2009, <span>Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an associate Justice of supreme court she is justice from august 10, 1993, after Sandra Day O'Connor she</span> is the second female justice to be confirmed, Clarence Thomas is also associate justice of supreme court he is Justice of supreme court since October 23, 1991. Stephen Breyer is also an associate justice of Supreme Court. he is a justice of supreme court from august 3, 1994.
The correct answer is an institution helping to rectify a principal-agent problem
Principal-agent problem addresses the difficulties that can arise in conditions of asymmetric and incomplete information, when a principal hires an agent, such as the problem of potential conflict of interest and moral hazard, as the principal is presumably hiring the agent to pursue the principal's interests.
Various mechanisms can be used to try to align the interests of the agent with those of the principal, such as part payments, commissions, profit sharing, performance measurement (including financial statements), establishing an agent liaison or fear of dismissal.