Love has been defined in various ways. From a deep feeling of affection, to the embodiment of virtues that always protects, trusts, hopes, and perseveres. And for centuries, humans have found ways to celebrate the existence of love.
Now, with a better understanding of the biology and chemistry of love, science has begun to recognize that there are health benefits as well. Helping our patients understand the value and importance of maintain loving relationships may help them to benefit from love’s positive effects on mental health.
Love is more than just an isolated feeling. Science now provides us evidence that what is experienced when we are involved in loving relationships involve various neurotransmitters and hormones in our bodies that affect us systemically.
High blood pressure forces your heart to work harder to pump blood to the rest of your body. This causes part of your heart (left ventricle) to thicken. A thickened left ventricle increases your risk of heart attack, heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Heart failure.
Identifying multiple evacuation routes for each area of the community.
This will help every get to safety.
(Why it is not the other answers):
You don't know what areas are going to be affected by the storm.
Fire hydrants are not going to help.
Yes, you want to save people, but it's not safe to do during a hurricane.
the first answer is correct, but you could also say "all of the above"