The object will not move.
If nothing pushes against it it will not move. If its not on a slant it will not move.
<span>The temperature of water will boil at one hundred degrees celsius when the external pressure is at 17.5 torr. Essentially, it is based off of the vaporizing of heat, as well as the gas constant. This is a matter of solving a physics equation and breaking down the factors that will affect the boiling point.</span>
5.5 × 10-2 hertz
The time taken by a wave crest to travel a distance equal to the length of wave is known as wave period.
= 0.055 per second (1 cycle per second = 1 Hertz)
Thus, we can conclude that the frequency of the wave is 5.5 X 10^{-2} hertz.
Hopes this helps, love <3