Answer: The answer is positive nitrogen balance! Nitrogen balance is the measure of nitrogen output subtracted from nitrogen input. This means that if the intake of nitrogen into the body is greater than the output of nitrogen from the body, it is positive nitrogen balance.
Individual putting of seeking treatment for a symptom that should be dealt with immediately, it is called:
<u>delay behavior</u>
When people do not quickly seek medical attention for an issue, there is a delay behavior. Appraisal, illness, behavioral, and medical are the four stages of delay behavior. Additionally, there are a variety of reasons why people put off getting medical care.
<u>stages of delay:</u>
appraisal delay
the length of time required for someone to recognize their symptoms as a sign of disease
Do I Feel Sick? ---> No ---> Delay
illness delay
the interval between understanding you're sick and choosing to seek medical help
do i need professional care---->no---> delay
implementing delay
the amount of time it takes from when you decide to go until you arrive for an operation. Various individuals will cause delays at various stages of the process.
is the care worth financial, human, emotional, social cost----->no-----> delay
Pueden producirse tos, babeo, incapacidad para deglutir, vómitos, a veces con sangre, y sensación de ahogo. En casos graves debidos a sustancias cáusticas, la persona puede presentar una presión arterial muy baja (choque o shock), ahogo o dolor torácico, lo que posiblemente acabe siendo mortal.