Human papilloma virus (HPV) affects the skin and moist membranes. HPV can cause problems such as verrucas, genital warts and abnormal cell changes in the cervix. Read more about HPV.
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks the immune system. HIV infection can lead to AIDS; however, with early diagnosis and treatment, most people don't go on to develop AIDS. Read more about HIV and AIDS.
The fern is the correct answer.
Yes because you can become a health provider and help people get better and find cures for serious diseases like Cancer etc.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by things such as unhealthy lifestyles. Type 2 diabetes is something developed in life rather than you being born with it as you would with type 1.
I have many family members including a sibling that suffers with this chronic illness so I've been to plenty of doctors appointments with them and have had the pleasure to ask medical proffessionals questions as such.