Incorrect . or wrong . 7777777
<span>Computed field is a field whose values you derive from existing fields.
</span><span> It is a very powerful field module because it enables to add a custom "computed fields" to your content types.</span><span>
To name a computed field, follow the computation with the word AS and then the name you wish to assign to the field.
The command is:</span><AS<span> display_name> </span>
def calculate_range(temperature):
high = temperature + 20
low = temperature - 30
return low, high
today_temp = 70
today_low , today_high = calculate_range(today_temp)
print('Today\'s low = {}\nToday\'s high = {}'.format(today_low, today_high))
The programming language used is python.
The code define the calculate_range function that takes only one parameter temperature.
The function evaluates both high and low temperature and returns a tuple containing both values.
we test the function by creating a temperature variable for today and passing it to the function and this in turn returns two values today_low and today_high.
Your question specifies no need for indexing.
There is a really simple way of unpacking tuple objects, which is used to assign the values returned by the function to separate variables.
<em>today_low , today_high = calculate_range(today_temp) </em>
Finally, today_low and today_high is printed to the screen.
check the picture to see results of running the code.
Answered below
Class Unique{
public static void main(String args[]){
int myArray[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
int newArray[];
int i;. int j; int k;
for(i = 0; i < myArray.length; I++)
for(j = 0; j< myArray.length; j++)
for(k = 0; k< myArray.length; k++){
if(i != j && j!= k && i != k ){
newArray.add(myArray[i] + myArray[j] + myArray[k]);
int count = 0;
for(int m = 0; m < newArray.length; m++){
System.out.print(newArray, count)
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