Answer: It is the first one. First: 3 upper C u right arrow 3 Upper C u superscript 2 plus, plus 6 e superscript minus. Second: 2 upper N superscript 5 plus, plus 6 e superscript minus right arrow 2 upper N superscript 2 plus.
kinds of fish
I saw at the picture many kinds of fish but they are all in the sea or fish pond maybe.
The change of velocity rate it's the definition of acceleration.
While increasing or decreasing velocity, it means that an acceleration it's happening.
Using some math:

This can be read as "the acceleration it's equal to te variation of velocity with respect to time"
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El Sistema Internacional de Unidades se basa en dos tipos de magnitudes físicas: Las siete que toma como unidades fundamentales, de las que derivan todas las demás. Son longitud, tiempo, masa, intensidad de corriente eléctrica, temperatura, cantidad de sustancia e intensidad luminosa.
Answer: Option C is not a property of a acid, acids turn blue litmus paper red.