Your list of choices is a very short list, and doesn't include any
correct explanation.
The mass of an atom is roughly the number of protons AND neutrons
in its nucleus, but the element only depends on how many protons are there.
Different atoms of the same element may have different numbers of
neutrons, so their masses are different. But they're the same element,
because they all have the same number of protons.
I believe the answer is Anther.
The Anther produces the pollen
The Earth is made of several subsystems or "spheres" that interact to form a complex and continuously changing whole called the Earth system. Scale
Processes operating in the Earth system take place on spatial scales varying from fractions of millimeters to thousands of kilometers, and on time scales that range from milliseconds to billions of years.
Examples of instantaneous - breathing; rotation of the Earth; earthquake
Examples of long term - making coal; plate tectonics
The Earth system is characterized by numerous overlapping cycles in which matter is recycled over and over again. Cycles involve multiple spheres and systems interactions.
Examples of cycles: day and night; rock cycle; seasons
The Earth system is powered by energy from two major sources: the Sun and the planet's internal heat.
Humans and the Earth System
People are part of the Earth system and they impact and are impacted by its materials and processes.
Answer: the horizontal component of total momentum
Since the open cart is rolling to the left on the horizontal surface, the quantity that has the same value just before and just after the package lands in the cart is the horizontal component of total momentum.
Momentum, is the product of the mass of a particle and the velocity of the particle. The change of momentum depends on the force which acts on it. The addition of the the individual momenta is the total momentum.
1=6, 2=8
I hope this helped