electrostatic force
In ionic bonds one atom is positively charged (the atom that gives its electrons), and the other atom is negatively charged (the atom that receives the electrons); therefore, it is the opposite charge of the ions that attracts them to one another and holds them together with electrostatic force.
motor oil
According to Oxford dictionary, viscosity refers to ''a quantity expressing the magnitude of internal friction in a fluid, as measured by the force per unit area resisting uniform flow.''
The higher the molecular weight of a substance, the greater its viscosity. This is because, the long chains in the viscous substance become entangled thereby increasing the internal friction in the liquid.
Motor oil is a heavier hydrocarbon than gasoline hence it is more viscous than gasoline.
most metals conduct electricity and are very dull to the look. most metals are toxic if eaten and are hard.
aluminum is a type of metal they is softer than the opther and conducts eletricty like a boss.
nickel on the opther hand is also a metal but does not conduct a lot of electricy.
metals can be bent and others can break,
A, because the shape of it forms and arc much like a H2O molecule.
The excretory system is how you excrete waste from your body, including bladder, anus, and kidneys