Agriculture is a big part of people's lives. If you can't harvest food because it's either too hot or too cold that's definitely gonna be a problem. Geography helps people understand why certain things like earthquakes, tornados, etc. happen in deifferent places.
The 1920s saw the growth of popular recreation, in part because of higher wages and increased leisure time. Just as automobiles were mass-produced, so was recreation during the 1920s. ... Many of the defining features of modern American culture emerged during the 1920s.
Gas Tax
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) was established by the Georgian assembly in 1916 with responsibility of constructing and maintaining roads in the state. The GDOT is majorly funded via the gas tax which was reviewed in 2015 by the Georgian Assembly to be 26 cent per gallon on gasoline and 29% per gallon on diesel. Other source of funding include federal grants and local funds.
None of the states could reach common ground on important ideas. For example, the south had much different needs than the north due to their economies. After long discussions they made compromise and both parties left the table with their needs fulfilled.
The media can affect us in many ways. Say there is a movie where a Dad gets drunk and hits his family. Seeing that movie might inspire someone who has that problem to get help.