Compound A is Ethylbenzene.
The structure of Ethylbenzene was elucidated and finalized based on following facts:
1) The presence of multiplet signal ranging from δ 7.27 to 7.40 ppm confirms the presence of aromatic protons. Also the statement says that this signal is for 5 protons indicating that the benzene ring is mono substituted.
2) The substituted group on benzene is Ethyl because the quartet for two protons shows that two protons (-CH₂-) are coupled with a CH₃ group. Hence, the ethyl group gives one quartet and one triplet signal.
3) The chemical reaction stated in statement is Nitration reaction. Also, the alkyl group (ethyl) is ortho-para directing in nature. Hence, it will give two products i.e. 1-Ethyl-2-nitrobenzene and 1-Ethyl-4-nitrobenzene respectively.
Attached figure gives the calculated NMR spectrum of Ethylbenzene and the chemical shifts calculated are almost near to the given values. Also, the two products formed are shown.