These are the four major areas: clinical psychology, cognitive psychology,behavioral psychology,biopsychology
1. I found Out I had diabetes was when I was 12 My parents took me to get a checkup and the doctors told I had really high blood pressure due to eating sugar like candy and sweet
2. My reaction to when I found I had diabetes I had depression once I found out because my parents I couldn't any sugar at all or my blood pressure can get worst.
3. The Diet I follow is Eating Healthy And Physical Activity which is Eating fruits,vegetables,grains and dairy.
4. When the doctors told me that my sugar level decreased I was happy because it's good to know that my sugar level wasn't going to get worse.
5. Yes Diabetes has prevented me from going to party's because they would have sugar drinks, cakes and It has stopped me from going to parties for my sake.
6. The Type of diabetes I have is the one that results in too much sugar in the blood.
7. My family didn't take the news very well they were really devasted but they were helping me after all by getting me healthy foods you know.
8. The advice I can give to the world is to once in a while check for flu's and other sickness because you never know what sickness there is.
(Sorry I forgot One of your questions)
9. I have test my glucose levels once a week to see if there was change like if it increases or decreased.
10. I do take pills and I get 3 injections in a day.
No Prob