A maple tree is an example of a tree
The Hardy-Weinberg law states that in a sufficiently large population, in which matings occur randomly and that is not subject to mutation, selection or migration, gene and genotypic free frequencies are kept constant from one generation to another, once a state of equilibrium has been reached, which in autosomal loci is reached after one generation.
It is said that a population is in equilibrium when the alleles of the polymorphic systems maintain their frequency in the population throughout the generations.
The mitochondria converts food into energy
The proteins exhibit four levels of organization:
1. Primary structure: It refers to a sequence of amino acids join together by the peptide bonds to produce a polypeptide chain.
2. Secondary structure: It is a localized twisting of the polypeptide chain by producing a hydrogen bond. Two types are formed, that is, the alpha helix and beta pleated sheet.
3. Tertiary structure: It refers to the three-dimensional composition of a polypeptide chain. The folding is not regular as it is in secondary composition. It produces ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions, disulfide bond, and hydrogen bond amongst the polypeptide chains.
4. Quaternary structure: It comprises an amalgamation of two or more polypeptide chains that functions as a single functional unit. The bonds are identical as in tertiary composition.
Thus, the levels of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary protein structure would get affected if all the hydrogen bonding associations were inhibited.