The odds are astronomical for a father with AB(IV) to have an O(I) child. The only possible way for this phenomenon to occur is if there was a nondisjunction in the ovogenesis for the 9th chromosome and the father also had a nondisjunction for the same chromosome(A sperm cell with no 9th chromosome fertilized an ovum with two 9 chromosomes).
A person with AB cannot donate to a person with O because the receiver has antibodies(alpha and beta) that bind to the antigens on the AB blood cells, causing death.
Si, esto es lo que se conoce como circulacion menor.
La sangre cumple un recorrido en el corazon a la cual se la llama circulacion mayor, una vez que se continua su camino hacia los pulmones ahi ya pasa a ser circulacion sanguinea menor.
Estas circulaciones estan sumamente coordinadas y tienen un orden ritmico, con un unico fin, que es oxigenar la sangre que se recolecta de todo el organismo.
Es asi como la sangre que viene con CO2 entra a los pulmones posterior a la eyeccion cardiaca y cumple con el proceso de homeostasis en el alveolo y se oxigena.
Arteries transport blood away to the different parts of the body from the heart. Arteries are the largest blood vessels in the whole body with elastic walls.
Hence arteries match with carries blood away from the heart and largest blood vessel in diameter
Capillaries take blood from various parts of the body. It exchanges nutrients, oxygen, and waste with tissues or cells. These are the smallest blood vessels.
Hence capillary matches with exchanges nutrients with tissues and single walled.
Veins transport the blood to the heart from the body. These vessels have a thin endothelial layer.
Hence Vein matches with carries blood to the heart and has a thin endothelial layer.
The leaching of nitrates into terrestrial ecosystems.