It could be any of those honestly but I would say older sibling or doctor
I had a time in my life where I was really depressed and somedays I didnt even wanna get out of bed. I was focused on the neagtive instead of looking at the positive. The things that helped me most was writing out my feelings and expressing them to someone. I was too busy providing for others and was constantly walking on eggshells that I wasnt happy with myself anymore. I had to realize that at the end of the day all I had was me and that in order to love and care for others I had to love and care for myself first.
If a leak develops in the brake system of a vehicle, you may experience a partial brake failure or total brake failure or may be an increase in stopping distance.
The condition you may experience depends on the where the leak is coming, either from the master cylinder or front or back. But if leaks develop in the brake system, park your vehicle immediately. Because driving with leak in the brake system can put your and others life on risk.
Hibernation is an innate behavior. It is not learned after birth. Animals that hibernate are born with an internal sense, or instinct, that tells them.
Hope This help :P