I think it’s empathy or conciseness hope this helps!
<span>One problem would be to reduce screen time before bed, as the glare of the screen can make it harder to sleep. Other good sleep hygiene habits include cutting back on caffeine and only using your bed to sleep in, rather than eating or working in bed. If she is stressed, she could try some stress relieving activities such as yoga. </span>
During an asthma attack the muscle wall contracts and the lining of the airways becomes swollen and inflamed. These changes cause a narrowing of the airways which is further aggravated by an increase in secretions from the mucus membrane, which may actually block the smaller airways hope this helps
Anabolic steroids increase irritability and aggression, although findings may be confounded by personality traits that are over represented in steroid users (i.e., antisocial, borderline, and histrionic personality disorder) and use of other drugs. People who misuse Anabolic steroids report more anger than nonusers, as well as more fights, verbal aggression, and violence toward their significant others, sometimes called "roid rage." One study suggests that the mood and behavioral effects seen during Anabolic-androgenic steroid misuse may result from secondary hormonal changes.
Hope this helps
There are only 3 sites for intramuscular injections, most commonly the deltoid then the ventrogluteal, and lastly the vastus lateralis for infants. If the site is a "hard muscle" or when the muscle is in constant spasm, then an intramuscular injection should not be done. Other reasons why an intramuscular injection cannot be done on a specific site are (1) atrophied muscle on an emanciated patient (i.e. malnourished or cachectic patients), (2) skin infection overlying the muscle group, and (3) the dorsogluteal muscle as this can hit the sciatic nerve and cause paralysis and other neuropathy of the ipsilateral leg.