acceleration is a change in velocity which means a time rate change in velocity but velocity is the time rate change in displacement
According,to the law of conservation of energy,the amount of energy in a closed system always stay constant. ... So,the amount of work output and other transformed energy is equal to the amount of energy inputs. • In this way,the conservation of energy is fulfilled by the machines.
Near the surface of reflection, reflected wave may interfere with incident wave leading to production of constructive and as well as destructive interference. This in turn, can result to resonance as well as enhancement of the sound intensity as the waves of reflection adds to incident wave. Therefore, the girl would higher intensity of reflected waves as compared to incident waves.
Therefore, statement A is correct.
The goal of physics is to understand how things work from first principles. ... Courses in physics reveal the mathematical beauty of the universe at scales ranging from subatomic to cosmological. Studying physics strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in areas beyond physics