during the tadpole stage, they relie on the oxygen in the water to live, unlike frogs in the adult stage who can use the oxygen in the air on land
Herbaceous - Soft, green stems
Woody - Hard stems with bark
Fibrous - Thick, tangled mass of roots
Taproot - One main root with smaller ones that branch out
I hope this helps! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
19.3g/cm^3 . With formula p=m/v
Explanation:fungi are heterotrophic plants. They are organisms that lack chlorophyll,true roots,stems and leaves .as a result they cannot produce their own food .they depend on dead and decaying matter for their source of energy, thus they are saprophytes.Fungi may be Unicellular or multicellular. They consist of harlike filaments of hyphae which fuses together and forms a mass of mycellium. Common example of fungi we see around us are mushrooms. Fungi feed by secreting digestive enzymes into their substrate and they absorb the nutrients that are broken down by the enzymes. Fungi are important because they help to rid the environment of dead matter by decomposing them. Matured fungi reproduce asexually by the means of spores