The equation of a line, having inclination 120° with positive direction of x-axis, .of x-axis, which is at a distance of 3 units from the origin is. 1. See answer ... where α is the angle with the positive X-axis, made by the perpendicular line drawn Now, from equation the equation of the straight line will be.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
7*4=28 which is the closest u can get to 30 with out going past it
The trapezoid has two parallel sides
One it is expanded i believe you should get 6
C = Pi * d where C = circumference, d = diameter, r = radius
C = 2*pi *r
we need to watch the units since they are different
Pool A
C = 2 * pi * r
C = 2 * pi * 12 = 24 * pi in feet
Pool B
C = pi * d
change meters to feet
7.5 m * 3.28 ft/ 1 m = 24.6 ft
C = pi * 24.6 = 24.6* pi in ft
Pool B had a greater circumference
24.6 * pi > 24 pi