Percent error = 12.5%
In a measurement you can find percent error following the formula:
Percent error = |Measured value - Accepted Value| / Acepted value * 100
Based on the data of the problem, accepted value is 22.4L and the measured Value (Value of Sara) was 19.6L.
Percent error = |Measured value - Accepted Value| / Acepted value * 100
Percent error = |19.6L - 22.4L| / 22.4L * 100
Percent error = |-2.8L| / 22.4L * 100
Percent error = 2.8L / 22.4L * 100
Percent error = 12.5%
The answer is homogeneous
B. False
Stability is determined by the ratio of neutrons and protons. Electrons are not in nucleus.