Large intestine
After the completion of digestion process in the small intestine, the indigestible residual materials are passed to the large intestine.
The large intestine serves three primary functions -
- Absorption of water and electrolytes
- Production and absorption of vitamins
- Formation and propelling of feces accomplishing their removal through the rectum.
When water gets absorbed, the indigestible materials get dehydrated and during feces formation they are compacted and then eliminated through the rectum.
Plasma membrane has lots of phospholipids. It is also called phospholipid bilayer
Negative feedback.
The production of erythropoietin by the liver and kidneys is a negative feedback because with the production of erythropoietin, our body tends to move to become more stable state. The erythropoietin is produced by the liver and kidneys to increase the production of red blood cells if the quantity of red blood cells are lower than the normal range. If the number of red blood cells are decreases the oxygen level in our body is low that leads to unstable condition of the body but when the concentration of red blood cells increases, the body move towards stability.