the eye of the storm or the storm shows how bad vaping can be, they illustrate a storm with how bad vaping is (if you want to say in your own words)
Someone is feeling hopeless, helpless, thinking of killing them self sometimes or
Someone is acting differently than normal, such as always seeming sad or anxious, struggling to complete tasks, or not being able care for themselves.
Harsh or vigorous movements can be detected as disrespectful or have rude intentions.In a calmly and non-abrasive manner simply easing simple things such as the number of pointing and hand to face interaction that is done can decrease your chances of being disrespectful with a client .
1. So the patient could make a prevention before the illness happen, not just taking care of it when it happens
2. Doctor will not available 24/7 for most people, so an education in self-care will give a little bit knowledge how to handle emergency situation when professionals are not available
3. Self-care will affect all aspects of people's life. It will influence our productivity in our job, mind positivity, etc.