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Transformational Leadership:
It is that sort of leadership wherein leaders provides inspiration, encouragement and motivate their sub ordinates for betterment of the organization with innovation and creative thing that brings about a change that helps to make a firm grow and successful.
In this, the leaders inspire and motivate their employees to focus on the attainment or achievement of the objectives of the firm over their own interests.
Whites used the policy of apartheid to hold on to their power, wealth, and control.
Whites continued to control South Africa even after South Africa gained its independence.
The whites in South Africa use apartheid laws as a tool for domination over the majority who were Blacks.
The apartheid laws were discriminating and bias in nature, they gave a total say to the whites in South Africa while they oppressed the blacks.
The domination of up to 80 percent of the land in South Africa by whites who were the minority compared to blacks who were the majority clear gives evidence that the apartheid rules were working for the welfare of the white South Africans.
After independence, the whites in south Africa had the Apartheid rule in place to guard their intrests, this made the whites have authority over the black population hence, the whites continues to controll South Africa.