34,235345 = thirty four million two hundred thirty
five thousand three hundred forty five
Yes, it is. Functions can only have one output (y) for each input (x). Furthermore, this means each x value will only have one y passing through it. Thus if we plot it on a graph and it passes through a horizontal line more than once, it is not a function. This is called the vertical line test.
I got x=185
b. 144.8
Step-by-step explanation:
When calculating the moving average estimate of an observation , each of the observations are usually computed with the same weighted . In some cases, it is beneficial to assign different weight on the observations such that the observation closer to the time period being forecast, has higher weight. This is refer to as weighted moving average technique. The sum of the individual weight in a weighted moving average technique must equal to 1.
The three-period weighted moving average forecast for period 5 = 144*0.5 + 148 *0.3 + 142 *0.2 = 144.8
Consider the number as 'n' (for now)
3n - 9 = 69
3n = 69 + 9
3n = 78
n = 78/3
n = 26
Therefore, The number is 26