english--I learned that Jericho was Stripped of his clothes and then beated almost dead. Then a priest was coming down that road and he saw him and went a different way so that he doesn't have to deal with the guy. Then a Levite who was walking by that place, saw him and also made a detour and ignored Jericho. While a Samaritan who walked that way came to him, and when he saw him he helped him. He was nice he wanted to help. He bandaged his wounds and poured oil and wine to kill the infection. Then he helped him up and put him onto his horse and they road back to an inn. Then he got a reward for his kindness.
Spanish--Supe que Jericho fue despojado de su ropa y luego golpeado casi hasta morir. Luego, un sacerdote venía por ese camino y lo vio y tomó un camino diferente para no tener que lidiar con el tipo. Entonces un levita que pasaba por ese lugar, lo vio y también se desvió e ignoró a Jericó. Mientras que un samaritano que caminaba por ese camino se le acercó, y cuando lo vio lo ayudó. Era agradable, quería ayudar. Se vendó las heridas y vertió aceite y vino para matar la infección. Luego lo ayudó a levantarse y lo subió a su caballo y regresaron a una posada. Luego recibió una recompensa por su amabilidad.
Riding with a good friend who has had just one beer
Alcohol will affect the persons driving and can possibly cause an accident
feeling nauseous
The conditioned response, in classical conditioning, is the response that is elicited by a conditioned stimulus (a previously neutral stimulus). In the example given in the above question, seeing a bottle on the grocery store shelf is a neutral stimulus which initially did not elicit any nauseous feeling, but is now become a conditioned stimulus that elicits a nauseous feeling, which is a conditioned response.
You should call 911 if a person exhibits which of the following:
-Drinking more than one kind of alcohol at a time
-inability to wake up and
-clammy or bluish skin.
These signs are not normal that can be harmful to the drinker. There might be some side-effects or allergies that caused the abnormal behavior or skin discoloration.