This suggestion best illustrates D. an evolutionary perspective.
The evolutionary perspective seeks explanations for behaviors taking into consideration our species need to adapt and reproduce. From this perspective, our behaviors result from problems our ancestors encountered over 10,000 years ago. Since the purpose of the species is to perpetuate itself, many of our behaviors could be explained by the instinct of reproduction. We look for good mates in order to procreate. That perspective would, therefore, explain men who marry younger women as a result of our reproductive needs - young means fertile, at least instinctively.
A religion was created there.
slaves aren't paid for thier work, and masters receive the profit so C.
el profesionista debe conducirse con justicia, honradez, honestidad, diligencia, lealtad, respeto , formalidad, discreción, honorabilidad, ... sinceridad, provida, dignidad, buena fe y en estricta observancia a las normas legales y éticas de su profesión. el enunciado se refiere a una disposición o norma ética ...
Essence is the barrier at which all human realities cease to matter. “In the context of Buddhism, if you look at things in the perspective of the universe, there is nothing we can call good or bad.