The correct answer is option B.
Profit maximization refers to the situation when a firm is able to maximize the total profit that it could earn through the production of goods and services.
The total profit is maximized when the marginal profit is zero or when the marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. The marginal profit is the difference between marginal revenue and marginal cost.
If the marginal revenue is greater than the marginal cost the firm should increase production till both are equal.
In case, marginal revenue is less than the marginal cost the firm should stop producing more and reduce production till both are equal.
As assets but separately from other receivables.
When a company lends money to its employees, managers or affiliated companies, or sells goods or services to them, it must report those accounts or notes receivables in a separate account than normal transactions carried out with external customers. This happens because the transactions must be verifiable to check if they were legal and followed the proper procedures, and at what price or interest rate were they carried out. E.g. a corporation that lens $10 million to its CEO at 1% interest rate is not doing things properly and that transaction should be reversed and proper interest rates must be charged.
Fkdhkwdkhehejwhvskwvdhd kid ideológico lemme lol lol lol
Option B is correct ( Will any of the fixed costs go away? If yes, ignore them in the decision process)
a. tariff-----------------the government puts a high tax on sugar made in other countries.
A tariff is a tax forced on imported products and ventures. Tariffs are utilized to limit imports by expanding the cost of products and ventures bought from abroad and making them less alluring to buyers.
Tariffs can have unintended symptoms, be that as it may. They can make household ventures less proficient by decreasing rivalry. They can hurt local purchasers, since an absence of rivalry tends to push up costs.
b. quota-----------------the government limits the import of sugar from other countries
A quota is a legislature forced exchange limitation that restricts the number or fiscal estimation of merchandise that a nation can import or fare amid a specific period. Nations utilize quota in universal exchange to help control the volume of exchange amongst them and different nations. Nations here and there force them on particular merchandise to decrease imports and increment residential creation. In principle, amounts support local generation by limiting remote rivalry.
c. subsidy------------the government pays sugar farmers to keep sugar prices low.
A subsidy is an advantage given to an individual, business or foundation, for the most part by the administration. It is as a rule as a money installment or an expense decrease. The subsidy is regularly given to evacuate some kind of weight, and usually thought to be in the general enthusiasm of the general population, given to advance a social decent or a financial arrangement.