Southern unionist
A Southern Unionist was a white Southerner who either opposed secession and the Confederate States of America and/or supported the Union or stayed neutral.
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Answer:Self Schemas
Self schemas define how we think of ourselves in terms of how we feel and act in certain situations. It our beliefs about ourselves. These encompasses of whether we see ourselves as either introvert or extrovert based on our past experiences considering similar settings.
For example if you consider yourself shy , when given a public speech this will remind you of how shy you are provided you have been exposed to similar public speaking before and you know how shy you were then.
Self-Schemas Are Individualized
Each and everyone of us have various self schemas which are hugely affected by our past experiences, relationship,society ,upbringing and culture.
How we see ourselves is highly defined by our upbringing, how we socialize with others and what people say about us through social settings.
Such as schemas categories such as mean vs kind,active Vs sedentary ,loud Vs quiet.
Self-Schemas Form Our Self-Concept
All self schemas make up our self concept, different experiences and acquired knowledge adds up to our schemas to build our self concept.
"Vietnam" was once a French colony, was split by war from 1954 to 1975, and currently exists as a unified, socialist state.
From 1954 to 1975, Vietnam was again partitioned into two separate countries, isolated by the Bến Hải River in Quảng Trị Province at the seventeenth parallel. The North, led by a socialist government, was aligned with comrade China and the Soviet Union, while the South had a free-advertise economy, semi fair government and had contact with the United States, the West and Western-adjusted countries. In spite of the fact that the country has been joined since 1975, phonetic, social, and different contrasts serve to outline the two locales from each other, with going with generalizations.