N2 = 588.95 mm Hg
O2 = 158.36 mm Hg
Ar = 6.787 mm Hg
Their percentage represents their mole fraction.
N2= 78.1% = 0.781
O2 = 21.0% = 0.21
Ar = 0.9% = 0.009
Barometric pressure is 754.1 mm Hg
Partial pressure for each will be,
For N2 = 0.781 x 754.1 = 588.95 mm Hg
For O2 = 0.21 x 754.1 = 158.36 mm Hg
For Ar = 0.009 x 754.1 = 6.787 mm Hg
Lithium is a naturally occurring alkali metal, which living organisms ingest from dietary sources and which is also present in trace amounts in the human body. In much higher concentrations, lithium is effective as a medication for mania and mood swings including manic depressive disorders
Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body. Temperature is as a result of how much heat a body has. Heat is a form of energy called thermal energy. Heat can be transferred from one body to another as a result of differences in temperature between two bodies.
Chemical energy does not determine the temperature of a body. It is the amount of heat it contains.