1. Convert gallons to mL. 1 gal = 3785.4117840007 mL, multiply that by 29 and get 109776.94173602 mL.
2. Since there is one gram per every mL, there are 109776.94173602 g of water in the fish tank.
3. Convert g to pounds. 1 g = 0.0022 pounds. Multiply 109776.94173602 by 0.0022 and end up with about 241.5 pounds of water.
The early precambrian atmosphere consisted primarily of nitrogen and carbon dioxide with almost no oxygen.
<span>Today, the atmosphere contains about 20% oxygen, less carbon dioxide and similar amounts of nitrogen. </span>
<span>Photosynthetic green-leaf plants and trees are largely responsible for the change, converting carbon dioxide to oxygen.</span>
For every 2 Mol NaOH you would get 1 Mol N2H4
Answer: A wave
Because it’s the one that’s cause the new medium to go between the two media.
A precipitate is a solid formed from a chemical solution