Imagine you were able to throw a ball in a frictionless environment
such as outer space. Once you let go of the ball, it will travel forever
in a straight line, and at a constant speed. (At least until it bumps into
A car accelerates down the road. The reaction to the tires pushing
on the road is the road pushing on the tires.
At the entrance of most beaches, there is a bulletin board with notices about water conditions: maybe a faded sign warning about rip currents and a list of this week's tide tables. Most people pass them by without a second thought, but if you want to enter the ocean, it is important to know its movements, whether to avoid being caught in a riptide or to figure out when the waves will be at their best.
Hope this helps
I need more details like r u reading from something
It’s c, the toy car changes direction
the optic nerve
auditory, rods, and cones i think are to the ear.
optic means eyes, and nerves connect to the brain