Hierarchical is scenario is used to between condition and ratings.
Master -details its open up all details of the candidate and his rating to Universal Containers is tracking by interviewer ratings. where they are no classified. Just data collection.
Lookup:- where it fetches all details and further analysis will be a big task.
Search :- it is a just search where relevant information based on queries.
Hierarchical;- it is further classified and it is very to do analysis and takes decisions.
Since it is classified further drill down is possible and make a good analysis report can be made.
Here's a solution in node.js. Can be easily transcribed to other languages:
var paint_per_sqf = 1/350;
var wall_area = 250.0;
var gallons_paint = wall_area * paint_per_sqf;
console.log(wall_area.toFixed(1) + " square feet wall will need:");
console.log(gallons_paint.toFixed(12) + " gallons of paint");
public static boolean beginsWithZ(String word){
if(string == null || string.length() == 0)
return 0;
if(word.charAt(0) == 'Z' || word.charAt(0) == 'z')
return 1;
return 0;
This method is a boolean method, meaning it returns true if the string begins with Z or z and false otherwise. So:
The Java command charAt() let's you find the character at each position of the string, so i use it.
public static boolean beginsWithZ(String word){
if(string == null || string.length() == 0)
return 0;
if(word.charAt(0) == 'Z' || word.charAt(0) == 'z')
return 1;
return 0;
Internet cloud service that could be accessed by other devices with a certain password
The young designer should use free open-source art programs for his designs. The designer can create new tools and get and update a verse collection of design tools in the software.
An open-source program is a software or application whose source code is available for changes, upgrade and sharing within the public.
Rather than in closed-source software where all upgrades and changes are made only by the tech-company with the license, and the expensive nature of the purchase, the open-source code programs are mostly free with a general public license.