is about 4.6 billion years old
The correct answer would be - "bacterial populations evolve in response to the selection pressure imposed by antibiotics".
The given information provided in the question about the bacterial infection supports the hypothesis that the bacterial population shows the evolution in response to the selection pressure caused by the antibiotics due to the fact that bacteria increased resistance gradually with time. This resistance towards antibiotics increased the percentage of bacterially infected children in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
In this case, the population of bacteria having resistance genes is selected to evolved selected to increase their offsprings.
4-Growth, maintenance, balance fluids, maintain proper hp
2-Actin, collagen
Placebo, Is used to describe a substance given in clinical trial that does not contain the drug.
- Clinical trials are done to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug in treating a particular medical symptom or disease.
- In such case a placebo is used as a control in the experiment.
- A placebo contains all the components as the medicine except for the drug that is being tested.
- A placebo is given to one group of patients having the symptoms for which the drug is tested while another group of patients with same symptoms are given the drug.
- If the group that was given the drug show symptoms of cure while the group that was given placebo does not show changes. Then the drug is said to be effective.