One of the properties of a liquid is that, <u>it's particles move freely (not tightly packed)</u> hence the reason for <u>it's free flowing (no definite shape)</u> when shaken in a container, unlike a solid whose <u>particles are tightly packed with restricted/no movement</u> and hence the reason for it's compactness and it's definite shape.
When a plastic solid (whose particle is tightly packed and have a restricted movement/no movement) is placed near a heat source, <u>it's particles gains energy in the process and starts to move (though slightly free) and become less tightly packed</u> hence the reason it is observed that plastic solids near a heat source melts.
From the above, it can be deduced that a liquid and a plastic solid near a heat source <u>have there particles move freely (and not tightly packed) hence making the two substances flow freely with no definite shape.</u>
248 miles
At an average altitude of 248 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth, the space station is the third brightest object in the sky.
Answer: option a and d
Option A- Benzene undergoes substitution reaction
Example : benzene reacts with chlorine to form chlorobenzene, in the presence of Iron
(iii) chloride as a catalyst
C6H6 + Cl2 ---> C6H5Cl + HCl
Option D- Benzene also undergoes addition reaction
Example: benzene reacts with hydrogen , in the presence of nickel as a catalyst to form
C6H6 + 3H2 ---> C6H12
Reasons why Option B isn't the answer
Although benzeme has degree of unsaturation but it's not five degree of unsaturation.
Benzene has 6 carbon atoms and 4 degrees of unsaturation (1 ring and 3 double
If you work backwards and double the degrees of unsaturation you have 8 degrees of
unsaturation instead of 5.
Option C - Benzene isn't a saturated hydrocarbon