<span>It is true that substance use can make you feel self-soothing when you feel stress or anxious. When you abuse these substances, it will make you feel dependent on them because of you wanting them every day. This is the reason why abusing substances can harm your body and make you feel uncomfortable without it.</span>
" A secured loan is, a loan in which borrower pledges some asset as calateral for the loan, which them becomes a secured dept owned to the creditor who gives the loan."
Answer:The analysis must be incorrect because the total score should sum up to 1
Explanation: Analytical Hierarchy process is a mathematical model used in determining the viability of a process from sets of process using set criterion ,these criteria are selected such that it determine the like hood of success of the project,the number written above represent the weight of each of the process ,the overall weight of the criterion is always when summed up.
The weight represents the likelihood of the events happening or being successful.
It is a well-known fact that water is a basic need of a human being in order to survived. Generally, a person is known to survive for only 3 days without water. Thus, the best thing that I would send to a person who bought a house with no water is any amount of water which will allow them to survive until they procure their own supply.