Scientific laws and scientific theories are very similar.
They both discuss and observe phenomena that have already occurred and been evaluated.
The main difference between the two is that law defines nature and what it does conditionally, and the reaction of nature when these conditions encounter.
To sum it up, law discusses the behavior of something that transpires in many annotations.
A theory on the other hand discusses not the behavior, but the functions. The “why” factor so to speak.
Hello. The chart mentioned in the question above is attached just below.
A) has increased with increasing human population
As you can see in the graph below, the line that indicates the number of endangered species increases as the line that represents the increase in the human population increases. This means that the number of extinct species has increased with the increase in the human population.
This is because with the increase in the human population, there is a growing need for natural resources, in addition to increasing the need for cities to expand. All of this results in greater deforestation and extraction of natural resources, which ends up causing an increase in the factors responsible for the extinction of animals.
Hypnosis is used as an alternative treatment to relieve pain, stress , depression, panic , Gi influx etc.
Some concern in the use of hypnosis for any treatment areincomplete waking up of the patient, Appearance of new symptoms, mental trauma due to recaptulation of some memories, misuse of dependence of the patient by the hypnotist etc.
- Hypnosis involves the method of focusing the subjects mind on a particular thing in a way so that he gets diverted from the surroundings and peripheral stimulus.
- This relieves stress and pain in patients so that a medicine gets its time to act.
- Hypnosis has been legalised but there are certain ethical and psycological concerns about it.